Feb 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Everything written by Dr McBride is so true and described with such compassion.

I don’t know if I would have given myself the time to consider this while caring for my husband as he got progressively ill and also working full time. In the midst of everything, I tried very hard just to get through each day with some grace and patience. Now that I’m a widow and retired, I’m just getting some perspective and giving myself time to re-invigorate.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Thanks, Dr. McBride. I needed this.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Thank you for the validation, Lucy. My husband is a moderately functional 93 year old, 9 years post stroke. On his 92 birthday he decided it was time to stop driving (a blessing I didn't have to have that hard discussion) and even more household management has fallen to me as he moves more slowly, has increasing cognitive impairment. Fortunately he does not begrudge me my mornings for exercise and yoga at the gym or time spent with friends. Still, our mutual frustrations emerge frequently and my underlying anxiety manifests more often in exacerbated IBS and GERD. My doctor has called it adjustment disorder. It's a daily challenge to take care of both of us and I'm grateful to be able to do it.

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