Like all of your posts, this one seems to come at exactly the right time. Thank you so much for your clear, sensible, and wise advice!

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Thanks, Val!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Thanks for this post! I have a fear of ovarian cancer because it is a silent disease whose symptoms can mask something innocuous. I had a relative die from this. I have had this checked and am fine but every twinge near there causes worry. I wonder if other women worry about this and if this would make for a good article from you ie. what to do to guard against these silent but serious illnesses.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I do too. My friend died of it, she was only 37 and it was horrific. Now every time I'm not hungry or feel bloated I think I have it. I actually got a scan to look for it and discoverered I have fatty liver so now I have something real to worry about as well as something imagined. In the past couple of years I feel like I am surrounded by people literally dropping dead, or dying young of some horrific cancer. I can think of 5 people I the last year alone. I'm not even 50 yet, these are my contemporaries, not old people. It's really scary

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So sorry about your friend - and the people around you. In case this provides any comfort, usually when someone dies it is not mysterious as to why ... and, tragically, we often realize how it could have been prevented after the fact. In other words, having a good primary care doc and GYN can make a huge difference - as can getting your cancer screenings, vaccines, and taking care of your body and mind every day. That said, horrible things can of course happen for no reason. I am so sorry.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I live in New Zealand, our health system is a shambles.

If you do get something wrong, like cancer, you will be whipped into treatment (for free), before you can blink. My friend's doctor found an ovarian tumour during her regular smear test, she was on the operating table the next day (a different friend).

But the prevention side is lacking, unless you have something wrong you don't get to see a specialist like a GYN. You have to just hope you don't get to that point.

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Yes you are not alone in your worry about things like ovarian CA with are usually pretty far along by the time they are caught.. and for which there is no great screening protocol. I definitely will write about this! My best advice for now is to make sure you have a good primary care doc, get your regular checkups (GYN, too), and report your family history and of course your symptoms, too.

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Feb 5Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I feel Lucy is educating her fans/patients how to manage health anxiety in such a way which must be appreciated. Health anxiety sounds to be a sort of disease itself so the best option is to snub it from the very beginning. If somebody becomes ill with proper medical treatment he/she can be cured.

Hence there is a dire need of hour to get rid of health anxiety as soon as possible. Kudos to Lucy

for educating patients so nicely!!

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I appreciate this so much! I just started ERP for health-related OCD. I had this issue as a child and it was quiet for many years but came back full force during the pandemic and has then morphed into non-COVID health concerns. It’s frustrating for me, and I’m doing all the right things, but it’s helpful to know I’m not alone here. Super tricky to know what’s a legitimate health concern and what my brain is overreacting to: makes this a tough one to parse out!

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Yes, you are definitely not alone! The pandemic revved the engine of ppl's preexisting health anxiety.. it gave OCD in particular a "home" - if you will - and the false sense that we could control every aspect of our environment to be safe. I am SO glad for you that you know what you need - to address the OCD head on *and* realize that you are mortal, too! I wish you well.

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Glad to come across this piece today, Lucy. Thank you! For me, health anxiety has its roots in complex childhood trauma, which my memoir explores. My hope is that in sharing a vulnerable story that charts a path to understanding through therapy and family enquiry my own (damaging) propensity to think the worst and look for disease where there is none might help others who face this daily struggle, too.

I feel far more in control of my anxiety now, but it's such a frightening thing; shameful too I think. I never wanted to admit that I experienced it because of the stigma. Anyway, excerpt one of my audiobook is available now and I'd love readers here to take a listen:


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Wow, Lindsay. Thank you for sharing that!! I definitely will read your memoir. The history of complex trauma is, tragically, so often at the core of people's health anxiety and hypervigilance about body parts. It makes so much sense. Good for you for 1) recognizing it and 2) helping other ppl by removing stigma. IMPRESSED!!!!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

In a 9 year span my husband saw 9 different PCP's (we moved 3 times). #10 properly diagnosed the cause for his hypertension as hyperaldosteronism. In the meantime I obsessively studied all I could to help him (weightloss, exercise, diet). Since then I obsessively study all kinds of conditions: my grandson's drooling at age 4 with no concern from his pediatrician, my FBG's of 99 (for several years in a row) in spite of healthy diet and weight, just to name two. My recent (new to me) PCP refused to acknowledge my FBG concerns, telling me to relax, I'm fine. My mother, overweight and hypertensive, was on insulin in her 50s. She had cancer twice, the second one caused her death. I have lived in fear of diabetes my whole adult life, yet my PCP didn't offer more lab work to make sure I am not skinny fat/ NAFLD/ insulin resistant. I just found a new PCP. Time will tell. I am careful to accept only certain online sources.

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I completely understand your skepticism about doctors.. and the lack of trust. Hopefully you can find someone to meet you where you are .. and to lead with empathetic and evidence-based advice :)

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Wonderful podcast with so much insight into the medical profession. So much wisdom. Thank you for sharing this podcast.

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Thank you so much for listening!!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

It's like you were over for coffee and a walk this weekend! This could not have come at a better time. I have shared that I am diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and the Pandemic brought me to my knees. I am fortunate that I have access to amazing mental healthcare, but it has been so hard. I was diagnosed with lung cancer (never smoked)a little over a year, out of the blue looking at something else! So grateful and yes it rocked my boat, but I was more afraid of COVID! The fear of a respiratory illness right now is still my go to health anxiety, go figure. I believe that it is the trauma inside that I felt early on as it felt like my responsibility to keep everyone I loved safe and healthy. What I have found works for me when these health fears come up is, "There is nothing for me to solve right now." I move on and just keep reminding myself of that in a kind way. Thank you for being you, for being an incredible doctor who walks through life with knowing the human body, spirit and heart is a beautiful and complex being!

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I love that mantra. Another good one is to put your hand on your heart and say "You are safe. It's okay" - which is basically self compassion for the anxiety we all feel at times... and the natural flare ups that come when we are stressed.

Thank you for the kind words.


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Thank you for advising against asking Dr. Google, a go-to source for many health anxieties. The allure of misinformation out there for adults and for parents (especially) is alarming. Ditto to Dr. McBride’s advice to talk to your physician, and/or your pediatrician. They will gladly answer your questions.

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This is one of many helpful posts and I look forward to the podcast. I moved to CA from NYC just before the unexpected Covid shutdown (2/20) to be nearer family and grandsons; it's been hard not to develop health anxiety after some medical crises. In addition to your advice over the years, I have found the Calm app to be helpful. And volunteering. Full disclosure, I knew you way back when you were in grade school and already a rising star. Congrats and Happy Thanksgiving.

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My health anxiety is one of my biggest oppositions right now, to the point where I avoid doctors and modern day medicine out of fear of malpractice. I found solace in holistic and natural medication, but it feels good to read validating advice on such a swept-under-the-rug topic.

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Thank you so much for writing such an informative piece! As someone who suffers from anxiety, the tips/advice you mentioned were helpful. Nowadays, people are so quick to turn to google and diagnose themselves based off what the internet says, but it is important to get proper medical attention and care.

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Ugh Dr Lucy, this is me. During Covid I became so anxious that I’d accidentally expose someone to Covid and then they’d die and this has morphed into such high anxiety for me. Just reading this made me feel the tiniest better knowing that others are dealing with health anxieties. Thank you

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The timing of this is incredible to me! I've been struggling with where to begin to find a new primary doctor that I feel is a good match with my emotional core as well as my physical body. I am due for my annual check up and wish you were here in NY! I know it might be a stretch, but do you have any recommendations in the NY area? Thank you for all you do. Though I'd love to avoid ever bringing up the dark pandemic days, you and Dr. Monica Gandhi saved lives and souls with your wise and generous information on social media during the toughest times. That in itself has promoted well-being in me and I'm so grateful to believe I can trust real science and health advisors again. It is SO much appreciated! :)

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