May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

The liquid hand soap section is a favorite of mine-cheap aromatherapy! And I second the joy of peanut M&Ms.

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Oh yes, the peanut M&Ms are the best 🙌

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May 23Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I recently read that consistent long term use of Omega/Fish Oil supplements increases cardiovascular disease. That bummed me out because I have been so faithful to my handful of vitamins every night (D3,K2, Magnesium, Fish Oil...which I suppose I will cut out now!). It feels that we are constantly getting conflicting information about vitamins and supplements.

My favorite drugstore treat is a little spiral notebook for myself :)

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OOO I a writing about this very question for tomorrow’s Q&A!

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May 21Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

When I was little, they had those machines where you stuck your arm in it and it would measure your blood pressure. That was my favorite thing. Now as a grown ass woman, definitely the skincare, hair accessories and lotions/shampoo aisles. And lipsticks!

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Love it, Sandra! Cheers from one grown ass woman to another 🤩

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May 21Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I love pharmacies! When it comes to meds, especially choosing over the counter options bc there are so many, I ask the pharmacist if I’m not sure and they’re always helpful. Of course I walk down the nail polish aisle💙 and I always buy a lemonade zero vitamin water on my out! So good

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May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I was a pharmacy clerk for 10 years back in the 70s and 80s, for both a chain pharmacy and a large HMO, so pharmacies have long held charm for me. Pharmacists are often my go-to for medical information, especially when traveling.

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May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

I second all of your favorite things and use all regularly except the earplugs, which I will be purchasing this week, lol. I hadn’t thought of that perfect solution to my husband’s godawful snoring until I read this post!!!

I also impulse-purchased a brand of body wash last week (Dr. Teal’s) that contains epsom salts. It may just be the placebo effect but I think it works!!! For days (most days, tbh) when I don’t have time to take a hot bath with epsom salts, the body wash seems to soothe my achy joints and spine almost as much as a nice soak.

And I’m glad to hear someone else gets a little spark of joy over a perfect little nail polish bottle! Bonus points if it’s the quick dry kind ;)

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May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Depends on the pharmacy. For various reasons, one chain makes me feel angry & ripped off, while another makes me happy. Hope you have a very happy graduation!

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May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Regarding prescription v OTC: these days my asthma is well under control, thanks to a pcp finally taking it seriously, but back when I would get really sick on occasion, I remember needing a spacer on a Sunday morning and not being able to get one because prescription. Presumably so I wouldn’t use it to huff paint? Anyway, it’s gotta be all about the money.

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I hear you - I certainly feels (and perhaps is) that way!

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May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

“Sharing size” peanut M&Ms, especially when on sale, bring me joy. But let’s be honest, there really is no sharing. 😉 🤗 ~ Nancy

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You need to meet Karen above ✌️😆❤️

I agree w you

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May 20Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

…as long as we don’t fight over the last bag of peanut M&Ms 😂

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Yeah, I love pharmacies too, for many of the same reasons.

Interesting that you voted for magnesium, worth keeping in mind that you see it as a worthwhile investment.

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Love your description of escaping the chaos 🤩

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Love this! I’m a big fan of magnesium lotion - it’s the only thing that settles my restless legs. I’m also a fan of a random treat.. nail polish used to be my go-to, now it’s a bag of popcorn or a random new eye shadow I’ll probably wear once and then forget I own. 🤣

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