This is an excellent wise article. I’ve had some benefits over the last several decades from elements of the wellness industry, but always turn to the best doctors available when possible. Those who tend to be research oriented can also find solid scientific advice on first rate websites, including those from NIH, Sloan Kettering, Cleveland Clinic etc., and if you want to subscribe to Up to Date you can read well-researched recent medical/scientific articles on whatever dilemma you are facing. This is a website used by Drs as well. You can subscribe just for a short time. and always discuss what you find with your doctor.
I love UpToDate. It is my "peripheral brain" however it is not, of course, a substitute for clinical judgment which is the essence of doctoring: the art and science of marrying medical evidence with the human being in front of you :)
As a board certified wellness coach, I cheer on articles like this. Wellness and transformation is about people tapping into their own wisdom and working hard to build their optimal lives. This takes deep self reflection, courage and self determination. I work with people so they don’t have to do it alone. The snake oil notions out there from people who have the solutions is so detrimental to an authentic wellness journey.
Lucy - this is such an excellent article. There’s no doubt that one aspect of embracing the ‘wellness’ machine is that it’s so accessible and makes one feel in control (especially when scared or feeling unseen) and that’s often not always a common feeling when facing the medical arena. A sense of agency over one’s well being, patience and faith that docs really do care - all things to remember!
The challenge is navigating that gray area. Wellness does offer real benefits, but as soon as it becomes about optimization over actual well-being, it starts to look more like a luxury good than a health movement.
As a Health & Wellness led agency, we always come back to one question in any campaign: "Is this actually helping to improve someone's health, or just their perception of it?"
Well articulated and I have covered similar themes over the years (especially as the field of environmental health is now being co-opted by misinformation). I cover many of these themes in my upcoming book!
I think "Apple Cider Vinegar" should be required viewing. And the book, THE WOMAN WHO FOOLED THE WORLD, is really well done. (Audiobook narrated by an Aussie, so it's almost like a vacation.) Snake oil has been around for ages, and yet people still buy it. But, for the love of gawd, IF people were cured by any of it, they would be paraded around like the unicorns they are. But they aren't. Because they don't exist. One story isn't proof. It's a lark. Also, hemlock is 100% natural and available in organic. Anyone want any of that? Great post. Thank you. xo
Hi Sandra Ann! ACV is top of my list of things to watch! And I have heard about that book, too. You make such good points here. Yep - hemlock is natural - cyanide, too, and lots of things that come from nature are not so good for the human body. Of course nature is wonderful and we all too readily ignore it in medicine - but the key is using data/evidence not an unbridled affinity for *branding* that touts nature as a cure all
Brilliant. Just brilliant. Sending to all my friends. We're seeing otherwise intelligent, experienced people falling prey to very expensive, very persuasive quacks.
Thank you Dr. Lucy, you clarified it very well. I work hard to keep scientifically informed so I can support the health and healthy eating habits of my beautiful spouse. And I believe in my body to heal itself.
Recognizing the power of marketing while trusting your doctor for important decisions is a great recipe for managing health. Thank you once again for a fantastic piece.
This is one of your best and most important articles. It should be widely distributed. Thank you, Dr. McBride!
Thanks, Barbara!
This is one of your very best articles. Your definition of wellness is wisdom this 80-year-old needed to read today -- and embrace. Thank you.
Thanks, Dorothy!
This is an excellent wise article. I’ve had some benefits over the last several decades from elements of the wellness industry, but always turn to the best doctors available when possible. Those who tend to be research oriented can also find solid scientific advice on first rate websites, including those from NIH, Sloan Kettering, Cleveland Clinic etc., and if you want to subscribe to Up to Date you can read well-researched recent medical/scientific articles on whatever dilemma you are facing. This is a website used by Drs as well. You can subscribe just for a short time. and always discuss what you find with your doctor.
I love UpToDate. It is my "peripheral brain" however it is not, of course, a substitute for clinical judgment which is the essence of doctoring: the art and science of marrying medical evidence with the human being in front of you :)
Thanks for correcting my spelling of that source to all one word I thought about that later but didn't want to do another comment.
As a board certified wellness coach, I cheer on articles like this. Wellness and transformation is about people tapping into their own wisdom and working hard to build their optimal lives. This takes deep self reflection, courage and self determination. I work with people so they don’t have to do it alone. The snake oil notions out there from people who have the solutions is so detrimental to an authentic wellness journey.
Thank you 😊 and yes!
Lucy - this is such an excellent article. There’s no doubt that one aspect of embracing the ‘wellness’ machine is that it’s so accessible and makes one feel in control (especially when scared or feeling unseen) and that’s often not always a common feeling when facing the medical arena. A sense of agency over one’s well being, patience and faith that docs really do care - all things to remember!
Yes indeed! The desire for control is normal; the problem is when we fall prey to anyone claiming certainty and offering the illusion of control
Excellent article! Full of common sense and realism. It's easy to "go along" with Wellness
advice, but as you say, health is an individual, very personal, life management process.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for reading!
Great read!
The challenge is navigating that gray area. Wellness does offer real benefits, but as soon as it becomes about optimization over actual well-being, it starts to look more like a luxury good than a health movement.
As a Health & Wellness led agency, we always come back to one question in any campaign: "Is this actually helping to improve someone's health, or just their perception of it?"
You said it!! Thanks for reading and replying!
Well articulated and I have covered similar themes over the years (especially as the field of environmental health is now being co-opted by misinformation). I cover many of these themes in my upcoming book!
Nice!! Can’t wait to read it!
I think "Apple Cider Vinegar" should be required viewing. And the book, THE WOMAN WHO FOOLED THE WORLD, is really well done. (Audiobook narrated by an Aussie, so it's almost like a vacation.) Snake oil has been around for ages, and yet people still buy it. But, for the love of gawd, IF people were cured by any of it, they would be paraded around like the unicorns they are. But they aren't. Because they don't exist. One story isn't proof. It's a lark. Also, hemlock is 100% natural and available in organic. Anyone want any of that? Great post. Thank you. xo
Hi Sandra Ann! ACV is top of my list of things to watch! And I have heard about that book, too. You make such good points here. Yep - hemlock is natural - cyanide, too, and lots of things that come from nature are not so good for the human body. Of course nature is wonderful and we all too readily ignore it in medicine - but the key is using data/evidence not an unbridled affinity for *branding* that touts nature as a cure all
Yes! Yes! Yes! Brilliantly written!!
Thank you, Susan! Are related to Robin Sproul by chance? Robin is the best :)
Brilliant. Just brilliant. Sending to all my friends. We're seeing otherwise intelligent, experienced people falling prey to very expensive, very persuasive quacks.
Thanks for sharing this widely! I am glad it resonates
Thank you Dr. Lucy, you clarified it very well. I work hard to keep scientifically informed so I can support the health and healthy eating habits of my beautiful spouse. And I believe in my body to heal itself.
Carl you are the best cheerleader :)
So on point! And the similarities between the wellness and beauty industries are vast... xo
Recognizing the power of marketing while trusting your doctor for important decisions is a great recipe for managing health. Thank you once again for a fantastic piece.
Thx, Margery!!
So well said. This should be the leading news story on every front page or newscast. Beautiful. Thank you!
Thanks for reading, Kay!
My litmus test is:
We are the most censored
What secrets they don't want you to know
Proprietary blends
Miracle cure
Not third party certified
clinically proven without citation
I find this interesting from a wellness practise.