I have a baby brother; I cannot imagine your pain. I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing your story. Your vulnerability and honesty are like a warm hug whenever I read your stories. Otherwise, yes - I’m in! I stopped watching ALL cable news the day after the election. Before I went to sleep the night before, upset, my conscience had a sit-down with me. It reminded me, “You know, you don’t have to watch the news. Remember the ‘old days,’ when everyone read the paper in the morning and then sometime before bed we watched the local news on TV? We talked about current events all day, and we were informed. If there was an emergency, it was broadcast on the radio or through an interruption of whatever we were watching on TV, and word traveled fast. Anxiety levels were not centered around minute, unimportant details that were repeated ad nauseam and made me irritated and irritable. Stop doing this to yourself. Take your sanity back.” And my conscience was right! Being in control of how and how much I take in the news has been a panacea to my aching heart. Headlines from my favorite news sources pop up on my phone during the day, and most of the time that’s all I need. If I want to click on it, that’s my choice. If I want to read it later, I save the article. And guess what? By reading, I am not only informed, but I know MORE about what’s going on than my clients (I’m a hairstylist) who use 24-hour news channels as background noise. There is way more happening in this world than what is repeated every single hour by a different host and a panel of “expert opinions” that I don’t need to hear. I have taken my sanity back, and it’s an act of self care I provide myself every day. As for getting enough sleep… that needs work. I love the idea of an alarm and being accountable to a trusted friend, thank you! (And whether or not anyone reads all this, thank you for allowing me the space to vent my thoughts! Apparently it was much needed.) I love your newsletter and appreciate you. 🥰

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Thank you for sharing this, Diane. It’s great to hear from someone like you who TOOK THE BULL BY THE HORNS re: endless news inputs. And yes the endless panels of experts that repeat on the hour - we get addicted to it! So glad you have taken your sanity back. THANK YOU for your kind words and for your honesty - back atcha! ❤️

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So sorry for your loss. I don't believe in forcing silver linings out of clouds (sometimes things are just awful and don't need an upside!) but there's no question that loss forces a clarity in how we spend our time. I too need to remind myself often that knowing everything (the infinite, tempting, pre-bed doom scroll) does not translate necessarily into agency and action (and sometimes begets the opposite).

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Yes indeed! And thank you, Vicky. 🙏

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"It turns out that being healthy isn’t just about the food you eat and how much you exercise; it’s about being intentional with the time we are given, to make the most out of our lives."

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I'm in too. To honor Harry and all those that left us far too early, I am committing to a similar internal audit, getting back to basics and relearning how to live in a more awake way- less numbing, less autopilot, less filler. I am cheering all of you on as we do this side by side from where ever we are.

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Yay, Elle!!! Nice! I would be very interested in hearing how this goes over time. It’s not an easy process to untangle ourselves from distractions and ways to “numb out” - which, of course, can sometimes be totally fine! - and to be more present and open. I’m working on it in tandem with you. 😊

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I am in—what great reminders! We share the same New Year’s resolution ! Thank you for this Lucy—your writing is so beautiful, warm and inviting- thank you for sharing about Harry. I hope you keep writing about him. I can’t wait for your book to be here!

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Thank you, Jess. I think about Harry ALL DAY LONG and writing is my therapy - so you can expect to learn more about him over time. He was such a wonderful guy. Thank you for inviting me to keep his memory alive through words. ❤️

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“ Harry’s death reminded me that time isn’t just about productivity and purpose; It’s about squeezing the juice out of life “

This realization has opened my eyes to the deeper value of living joyfully in the present. Thank you Lucy 🤍 Vegas

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Thank you for writing 🙏

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Oh, Lucy, I'm so sorry. And this post is so wise. xo

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Thanks, Val. Means a lot coming from you. ❤️

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Dr McBride my sympathies in the loss of you brother. I lost my brother 22 years ago I get it. Lost my husband of 42 years April 2024 ( 8 months today) . Life and time is precious and can turn in an instant, yet cleansing your life for more joy and positives is healing and freeing. Those precious memories will bring a smile to your heart yet allow space for your grief. I wish you all the comfort I can send. Peace ti you. Sharron Farish

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I am so sorry, Sharron. What a huge loss. As I’ve gotten to know you through this community it’s clear to me that you are someone who honors people you have lost by living your life in a healthy and authentic way. Thank you for your sympathies. It’s nice to know you get it. ❤️

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Sometimes wisdom comes from tragedy. You’ve written about your brother before, getting your arms around his death and its profound effect on you. Your readers benefit from your life lessons, sad for you, grateful for the shared wisdom.

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Thank you, Lila. Writing is my way of processing. There were a lot of healthy tears shed in writing this - and knowing that it helps someone else is great news to me. 😌

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♥️♥️♥️ so wonderful. I love this, and YOU so much. “And there was much rejoicing” 😂

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Love you so much, dear Annie. And yes I totally knew you would love Thad’s reply .. very on brand 😆

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Yes, I and my wife are eating better, moving about more. Even making room to start some light weight lifting. We are 60 and 61, and we want to be active until we take the journey to the next realm. I'm so sorry about your brother. I feel your grief. I suddenly lost my 24-year-old mentally ill son to a drug overdose August 5, 2022. He was 24. But I'm still living life to the fullest again. He would have wanted me to.

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I am so very sorry, Sheryl. Losing a child has got to be one of the most painful experiences one can go through. I cannot imagine. You are so right - he would have wanted you to live your life fully. It’s wonderful that you are able to. Much love to you ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your heart and reminding us all. This is so beautifully written and it touched me deeply. I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. ♥️

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Thank you, Angie. ❤️

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Beautiful thank you

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Thank you, Kim ❤️

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Much love to you. Such a great reminder.

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Thank you, Shannon ❤️

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Beautifully expressed. So sorry for your loss. A lovely way to honor your brother's memory

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Thank you, Paula ❤️

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Beautiful piece, and I’m taking it to heart, thank you.

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I’m so glad. Thanks, Liz ❤️

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