I've been deeply fascinated by psycho-somatic health since I read the body keeps the score 4 years ago. Since then, I've only become more of a believer. Dr. John Sarno's work in the divided mind had a pretty profound impact on me. I also really liked The Anatomy of The Spirit. I think this part of the picture will become more important in healthcare in the coming years - at least I hope so!

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Scott, I couldn’t agree w you more.

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Just got Sarno’s book myself. Thinking right along with both of you that this intersection (mindbody) is where we all (medicine and mental health fields) need to be going. Hope we can get there faster!!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Thank you, Lucy, for continuing to tell important stories.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

The self-doubt and critical inner dialogue many of us navigate is often rooted in a misguided belief that "everyone ELSE has it figured out." That everyone else knows the answers to the test, and "Who are we to think we have something really meaningful to offer?"

When we shift our perspective to realize that we're ALL holding on to the "oh shit bar" of the roller coaster of life in one way or another, we start to see things differently. We can see that YES... We HAVE survived a thing or two. We can discover that those moments of self-doubt aren't proof-positive that we're this imposter we fear we might be. If anything, those moments - if they can be reframed as humility, awareness and self-reflection - may be evidence of exactly the opposite.

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well said!

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Humility & self-confidence can coexist! Good stuff!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

Thank you for this story. Sounds like me except I don't drink. I also wonder why I can't control something thatI know how to control. Rest is essential for me.

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I’m with you. Sleep is the “glue” for my own health!

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Amen. Sleep makes EVERYTHING better. The first box to “check”, IMHO...

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I listen, acknowledge and thank my inner critic. I say Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the staff. We will work on these complaints, but for now I’m just sitting here. At ease and complete. ❤️

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Love it!

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Lucy McBride

This is one of my very favorites of yours, Lucy! (And that’s a high bar! 😉)

(Or maybe it is just a message *I* particularly needed to be reminded of today, of all days?! 😉 hmmm...)

You really are uncommonly good at clearly and compassionately articulating this verrry complex interaction between our (animal) bodies and our (human) minds. Thank you. ❤️

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THANK YOU, LAUREN!! I am glad it resonated! 🙏

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Love this newsletter so much. Dr. McBride gives so many golden nuggets of advice and reality!

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Thank you, Susan!!

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Hi Dr. Goodwin - I just checked out your Substack and really appreciate what you’re doing!

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It's true that we all carry narratives within ourselves, shaped by our experiences, environment, and culture. It's important to recognize that these stories, both positive and negative, can deeply impact our self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. Your post highlights the vulnerability we all share in navigating our self-conceptions, and the courage it takes to confront these narratives head-on.

It's commendable that you've dedicated yourself to fact-checking the narratives in your own life, and cultivating self-compassion while silencing self-doubt. By doing so, you are actively rewriting your story and empowering yourself to create a more fulfilling and healthier existence.

For anyone struggling with similar issues, it's crucial to remember that the process of transformation takes time and effort. Seeking professional help, building a supportive community, and practicing self-compassion are vital steps in dismantling these harmful narratives. As a society, we must continue to foster open discussions and challenge the cultural realities that contribute to these negative self-perceptions, so that we can create a more inclusive and understanding environment for all.

Ultimately, our stories can be rewritten and reshaped, allowing us to break free from the constraints of harmful narratives and embrace our authentic selves. Thank you for sharing your journey and wisdom, which will undoubtedly inspire others to begin their own path to healing and self-discovery.

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